Friday , 26 April 2024
  • We Support Your Financial Interest

    In finance, an investment strategy is a set of rules, behaviors or procedures, designed to guide an investor’s selection of an investment portfolio. Individuals have different profit objectives, and their individual skills make different tactics and strategies appropriate. Some choices involve a tradeoff between risk and return. Most investors fall somewhere in between, accepting some risk.

  • Global Presence Is Key to Our Clients’ Success

    Through timely, in-depth analysis of companies, industries, markets, and world economies, DSS has earned its reputation as a leader in the field of investment research.

  • Pension Plan Design

    With a holistic view on retirement program, we help clients in designing and doing financial analysis on defined benefit and defined contribution programs that fit the specific needs of the clients. Our common approach in the design process will address the issues of market competitiveness, integration with all other post-employment benefits including mandatory plans, employee expectation and company affordability, retirement focus and funding vehicles.

  • Merger and Acquisition

    As a result of the increasing trend of merger and acquisition, issues related to employee benefit programs have a profound effect on the viability of the transaction.

  • Post-Employment Benefit Audit

    Having a retirement plan in place does not necessarily guarantee the plan can support the culture needed to run the organization effectively.


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